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Nicholas McCormick

Welcome to my Portfolio

As an Aerospace Engineering student at Iowa State University, I have been passionate about space exploration and technology since a young age. I chose ISU because of its excellent reputation and the quality of the faculty and staff. I am intensely interested in aerodynamics, propulsion, and structural design, and I have developed skills in MDO, STK, and FEA.

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Senior Capstone Project: Cube-Sat Design- GADGET

Senior Capstone Project: Cube-Sat Design- GADGET
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Airfoil Optimization

Airfoil Optimization
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Thrust Vector Controller

Why a TVC? I am currently a student studying aerospace engineering and wanted to start a personal project related to aerospace. I chose a TVC because it is a simple enough project that I can complete during the semester and is relatively cheap. Purchased Components * Micro Controller- Teensy 4.0